(NQF Level 3 – US 119456)
Those learners who acquire the outcomes of this course will be able to write/present for a defined context.
The qualifying learner is able to:
- Write for a specific purpose, audience and context
- Use grammatical structures and writing conventions to produce coherent and cohesive texts for specific contexts
- Adapt language to suit context
- Draft and edit own writing.
The course consists of the following lessons:
Module 1 – Communicating in the Workplace: the landscape
- Topic 1: Features of Workplace Communication
- Topic 2: Business English
- Topic 3: Using Business Terminology
- Topic 4: Using Foundational Skills: sentences
- Topic 5: Using Foundational Skills: paragraphs
Module 2 – Understanding and producing Business Texts
- Topic 1: Using Process Skills
- Topic 2: Working with emails
- Topic 3: Writing Business Letters
- Topic 4: Reviewing Reading Skills
- Topic 5: Summarising
- Topic 6: Meetings
Module 3 – Refining your Communication Skills
- Topic 1: Reading and Writing Proposals
- Topic 2: Reading and Writing Reports
- Topic 3: Checking on Style and Content
- Topic 4: Interacting Verbally
- Topic 5: Speaking and Presenting
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