Amended Senior

The Amended Senior Certificate (ASC), registered at NQF level 4, is a second chance at Matric for adults.

Amended Senior

The Amended Senior Certificate (ASC), registered at NQF level 4, is a second chance at Matric for adults.

NQF level icon


Level 4

SAQA icon



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SETA icon



Duration icon


12 Months

MoD icon


Online or Blended

Who is it for icon

Who is ASC for?

The Amended Senior Certificate is for all adults 21 years and older and by exception, out of school youth 18-21 years old who could not complete their school education.

The Amended Senior Certificate is for all adults 21 years and older and by exception, out of school youth 18-21 years old who could not complete their school education.

Why take up icon

Why take up ASC?

The purpose of the Amended Senior Certificate is to give adult learners access to matric. The ASC is the equivalent of a matric certificate and affords adult learners the same opportunities as matric would. Another reason to take on the Amended Senior Certificate is to improve your final matric results.

The purpose of the Amended Senior Certificate is to give adult learners access to matric. The ASC is the equivalent of a matric certificate and affords adult learners the same opportunities as matric would. Another reason to take on the Amended Senior Certificate is to improve your final matric results.

Entry Requirements icon

Entry Requirements

The following learners qualify for admission to the Amended Senior Certificate:

  1. Adult learners who are 21 years and older who have:
    1. A General Education and Training Certificate (GETC): or
    2. A Grade 9 school report (or the old standard seven), stating that they have passed Grade 9 or Standard 7; or
    3. A recognised equivalent qualification obtained at NQF Level 1 which requires two official languages.
  2. Adult learners who are 21 years and older with an incomplete Senior Certificate qualification.
  3. Only in exceptional cases, out of school youth, who are 18-21 years old and who could not complete their school education due to circumstances beyond their control, as verified by the Head of Department in the Provincial Education Department.

The following learners qualify for admission to the Amended Senior Certificate:

  1. Adult learners who are 21 years and older who have:
    1. A General Education and Training Certificate (GETC): or
    2. A Grade 9 school report (or the old standard seven), stating that they have passed Grade 9 or Standard 7; or
    3. A recognised equivalent qualification obtained at NQF Level 1 which requires two official languages.
  2. Adult learners who are 21 years and older with an incomplete Senior Certificate qualification.
  3. Only in exceptional cases, out of school youth, who are 18-21 years old and who could not complete their school education due to circumstances beyond their control, as verified by the Head of Department in the Provincial Education Department.
Course Outcomes icon

Course Outcomes

If you successfully complete this qualification, you would have gained the knowledge and access to:

  • Entry to higher learning institutions.
  • Knowledge, skills and values necessary for self-fulfillment and meaningful participation in society as citizens of a free country.
  • Internships that will give you the skills you need for the workplace.
  • Entry level jobs which only require the Amended Senior Certificate.

If you successfully complete this qualification, you would have gained the knowledge and access to:

  • Entry to higher learning institutions.
  • Knowledge, skills and values necessary for self-fulfillment and meaningful participation in society as citizens of a free country.
  • Internships that will give you the skills you need for the workplace.
  • Entry level jobs which only require the Amended Senior Certificate.