The proof is in the client feedback

Case Study 1 – Leandra
Client: Samancor Middelburg
Pass rate: 87%
Qualification: AET, Oral Bridging Communication in English Level 1, 2 and 3
Number of learners trained: 21
A comment about the programme’s impact from client
“The Community has been so motivated as this programme is changing lives. We are planning to have a certification ceremony if funds permit to motivate more learners.”
Learner impact
Through this programme, a 79-year-old woman is now able to read the bible on her own, after coming to class with no ability to read at all.
Programme objectives and outcomes
The programme is achieving its goals of empowering adults in the community with the very essential skill of reading and writing. There is more confidence in most of the learners as they are able to complete forms on their own in banks and other institutions. So far, the programme is assisting 6 learners who have never been to school.

Case Study 1 – Sylvia
Client: Andalusite Resources
Pass rate: 79%
Qualification: AET, Oral Bridging Communication in English Level 1, 2 and 3
Number of learners trained: 18
A comment about the programme’s impact from client
“Thank you and keep up the good work. This is a first for Andalusite Resources. They have been training for years, but learners never got to writing exams. This is the first for them.”
Learner impact
The learners are pleased with results and eager to continue with training.
Programme objectives and outcomes
The mission of adult education and training is to provide instruction to adult learners and prepare them for transitioning into the labour market or higher education or vocational training. Primary program goals are to improve basic skills in reading, writing, and mathematics and English as a Second Language.

Case Study 1 – Esther
Client: Sol Plaatje University
Pass rate: 100%
Qualification: AET (Communication in English Level 2 and Mathematical Literacy Level 1)
Number of learners trained: 17
A comment about the programme’s impact from client
“The first cohort of staff learners’ results were released this week, with two achieving distinctions for English AET Level 2 and five achieving distinctions for Mathematics AET Level 1. Group 1 has now progressed to the next subjects,” said Chanè Kruger, who coordinated the programme on behalf of the HR Department. “We have also identified a second group – consisting of eight employees – who started classes in November 2021, and a third group – consisting of 17 learners – who started classes on 19 January 2022.”
Learner impact
Daphney Phillips
She is grateful for the opportunity presented to her and she is motivated to continue with her studies beyond AET. She says the programme has helped her gaining confidence in speaking English in public and amongst colleagues and she has also gained mathematical skills that she needs at the workplace e.g working with percentages on her payslip, she now has an understanding of how it works.
Programme objectives and outcomes
The AET programme at SPU is offered to staff by SPU’s Human Resources Department and is aimed at empowering staff by helping them work towards a National Senior Certificate (NSC/ Grade 12/ Matric). As soon as learners have completed Level 4, they will be enrolled for Matric.

Case Study 1 – Caroline
Client: CHIETA
Pass rate: 100%
Qualification: Basic Oral (English or Afrikaans Oral Bridge Programme)
Number of learners trained: 102 – The intervention targeted persons
with disabilities.
A comment about the programme’s impact from client
According to Gerrit Matthyse, CEO of the Orion Organisation (an NPC that offers services to people with disabilities), the learners who participated in the project have developed and grown tremendously.
“This programme has given them a chance to do something they can be proud of, and the joy and confidence they have gained is evident. Parents have also expressed their gratitude, emphasising that participants now show greater independence.”
He adds: “From an organisational perspective, this project has had a huge impact on the broader community. Amidst a worldwide pandemic and financial crisis that hit persons with disabilities particularly hard, we were able to empower 20 learners through the AET Programme. This, in turn, made 20 vacancies available at our work centre, which enabled us to employ 20 other community members with disabilities.”
Roger Fritz, CEO of the Tygerberg Association for Persons with Physical Disabilities (APD), also expresses his gratitude. “We are thankful to the Media Works team and CHIETA for this opportunity, and we are extremely proud of our learners’ 100% pass rate. Excellent job!”
Programme objectives and outcomes
“When I initially met the learners, the majority were shy. Many did not have enough confidence to introduce themselves,” says project manager Rene Taljaard. “By the time they attended the graduation ceremony, the once shy learners had transformed into grateful, confident and proud individuals.” Graduation took place from 30 August to 1 September 2021.