Our entry-level products and solutions offering
are a direct response to the chronically high
levels of youth unemployment in the country.

Source: Statista, 2024
have been painting a bleak picture for the past decade.
Our entry-level products and solutions offering
are a direct response to the chronically high
levels of youth unemployment in the country.

The stats
have been painting a bleak picture
for the past decade.
South Africa:
Youth unemployment rate from 2004 to 2023

Source: Statista, 2024
Optimi Workplace
has set out to be a part of the solution to
addressing the supply-demand mismatch
in transitioning young people into the economy.
Our products and solutions address
the problem at a broad spectrum.
Optimi Workplace
has set out to be a part of the solution to addressing the supply-demand mismatch in transitioning young people into the economy.
Our products and solutions address the problem at a broad spectrum.
From school drop-outs…
Organisations will not be able to grow without an investment in solving the demand-supply disjoints

Source: Department of Basic Education, NSC examination, 2023

Source: Department of Basic Education, NSC examination, 2023
To matric holders and graduates…
Share of unemployment in South Africa

Source: Statista, 2024

Source: Statista, 2024
Youth Economic Inclusivity
As we celebrate Youth Month this year, 30 years after the birth of democracy in South Africa, it is a poignant time to recognise how far we’ve come and where we need to go to uphold the freedom and potential of the youth of South Africa.
On paper, the numbers don’t look good.

By Sylvester Mokubedi
Head of Sales and Marketing
Our range of products and solutions
for a youth-centred economy

Bursary Management

Entry-level talent pipeline for Learnerships, Internships, Graduate Development, and gainful employment

Work Readiness Programmes (Accredited and Non-Accredited)


Various short courses addressing entry-level talent transition into the workplace

New Venture Creation

Micro Enterprise Incubation
For more information on our range of products and solutions please send an email to: